My Favorite Tools & Tips

Here you will find a collection of all my learnings and favorite tools that I use as a small business website designer. There are no affiliate links here, just the tools that I love and wanted to share.

Blog JKCella Blog JKCella

What is Niching!?

At its core, niching is about specialization. It's the process of defining and refining your business focus to cater to a specific, well-defined segment of the market. Rather than trying to be a jack-of-all-trades, a niched business narrows its scope to serve a particular group of customers or provide a distinct set of products or services.

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Blog JKCella Blog JKCella

What to Include on Your Website?

As a small business owner, launching your first website is an exciting milestone that sets the stage for your online presence. But figuring out what exactly should go on your website can be overwhelming! Here’s a breakdown of the essential elements to include on your website when you're just getting started.

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